How to Prepare Your Garden for A Shed Installation

How to Prepare Your Garden for A Shed Installation

If you’ve just ordered your brand new shed, the work isn’t over just yet! It’s a good idea to prepare your garden for a shed installation, even if you’ve paid for a shed installation service, there are some things you will need to prepare that don’t come under your service. These steps also apply to wooden garden structures in general, including wooden workshops or garden playhouses. Keep reading to find our simple steps to prepare your garden appropriately for your new wooden buildings!

Do’s and Don’ts Of Shed Installation

While you may have a shed installation service, there are still things you can actively do and look out for to keep the process running smoothly!


●     Make sure you have the right size and style. When you start your building plans and work out how to prepare for installation, having the correct sizing and style will make your tasks a lot easier.

●     Figure out the function of your shed. This will come in handy when it comes to placement, so make sure you outline the need for accessibility, storage or any after functions.

●     Preparing your site is vital! No matter how well your shed is constructed, it will not hold up on a weak or poorly prepared base, so make sure you take care preparing the foundations for your shed.

●     Look out for any potential issues around the site where your shed is going to belong. Factors like trees can be something to look out for, especially tree roots or falling tree branches that might end up damaging your shed’s roof & foundations.


●     Skimping out on your base is a huge mistake that you should try to avoid. While it may be tempting to rush it, not taking care may result in more eventual issues with your shed.

●     Putting your shed on grass is another thing to avoid. Any kind of porous surface is not ideal for your base. You want to ensure you are protecting your shed from as much moisture as possible to prevent issues like rot. The more you protect your shed from moisture, the longer it is likely to last without damage.

●     Don’t avoid using a perimeter to help you form the site for your shed. Building and using a perimeter will help hold the shed base in one place. You can use wood to build a really simple frame around your site to keep it protected.

Key Steps For Preparation

Choose your shed site

This might sound obvious, however, choosing where your shed is going to live is an important step. Depending on what you are planning on using your shed for, placement is important. You should also think about the rest of your garden and any potential damage that might be caused. (Such as falling tree branches) A few things to consider with the placement of your shed are:

●     Access – What kind of access do I need?

●     Drainage – You do not want your shed unable to drain excess rainwater

●     Permission – Do I need planning permission?

Make sure to consider when and why you will be needing access to your shed to ensure you are putting it in the right spot! Remember that your shed site should be a bit larger than the exact size of your shed’s base, so that you have appropriate access to it. We recommend about an extra foot in every direction to ensure you have enough space.

Clear the ground

Clearing the ground of your site is essential, as it will make it more difficult for your delivery team to fit and assemble your shed if there is debris and rubbish on the site. You can use a rake to pull up weeds, leaves and stones. Ensure you do a thorough job of clearing the site so that your shed has the most optimal base. Even if you have hired an installation service, they will not clear rubble or debris away for you, so doing a thorough job beforehand is definitely worth your while.

You also want to ensure that your site is completely level before wooden buildings start to be developed. Even before you start to craft your base, it is fundamental that the ground is level. You can use a spirit level to help you get a nice, even base.

After you’ve cleared the ground for your site, now would be a good point to put a perimeter in place. A mistake that a lot of people make is not building a perimeter, however it is a useful way to secure and protect your site. Don’t forget that having a thoroughly prepared base will only benefit you when your shed arrives!

Lay a foundation

Once you have a stable, level site, the next stage is to put a proper foundation in place. It is usually a good idea to lay down a weed-proof or landscaping fabric to prevent weeds and extra moisture reaching your shed that might cause more long-term damage. A foundation that sets your shed ever so slightly off the ground is definitely a good way to go as this will help with water drainage. By avoiding water damage, you are protecting your soon-to-be shed from warping or rotting.

Create a base

There are many different types of materials and ways you can prepare a base for your shed, so it is important to consider what will work best for your garden, and what resources you have available to you. Three common bases for shed installations are:

●     Concrete hard-standing – this is a good option for your shed, however, it’s important to make sure that this base is level and dry in time for your installation, otherwise complications can arise

●     Garden-slab base – using garden slabs as a base is also common for sheds as an alternative to using concrete

●     Timber decking base – this is a quick way to create a base for your new shed, but requires a weed-proof protection between the base and the shed to prevent any growth or moisture damage

Keeping your base level is a big thing to keep in mind when you are setting it up, be sure to keep checking the level over and over. A few things to make sure you’re thinking about when setting up your base are:

●     Laying loose garden slabs on top of gravel – this is not a stable base for your shed

●     Rubble is also not a stable base – you should clear all rubble from your site

●     Do not put your shed on top of bare ground or rubble – this is not stable and will not support your shed

These steps may seem lengthy, however they shouldn’t take too much time. Once you are sure your base is nice and secure, you can relax until delivery day.

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